Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rigging is tedious.

Touching up Yabbie's hair and rig... Not 100% , the face Rig is bugging me. Hope I don't have to redo it all. Luckily with the MetaRig option it's not that over whelming.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Testing Yab's Hair Texture + Adding Jewelry

Spend a day working on some hair texture techniques and updating Yab's jewelry. I'm not sure how colorful her hair will be in the end, but the blonde in the final picture came out nicely, so I just need to adjust the color streaks.

also softened her eye make-up and darkened her clothes..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So I haven't kept up with this blog. I'm currently working on concept art and getting the main character models made. I recently start talking to two close friends about the project, and have decided that the more the better. I've decided that writing is not my strongest passion, so I think a team is what needed to be done.

I've been recently looking into starting a KickStarter Fund. Even though the film is going to be made using all opensource programs, we will need to hired someone who knows sound recording and has a studio.Voice actors may also be paid unless we can find volunteers. The fund would also help to get the word out on the project and see if there is a demographic for this film.

I will start updating this blog more. But for now here are some concepts and early WIP character models.:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Starting A Short Film Project

I'm beginning this blog to officiate the 3d animated short film I'm working on with the Open-Source 3D software Blender.I've working with Blender for 3-4 years on and off.Originally I was just playing around with different software like Photoshop and Poser when i wanted a tool to help make digital painting easier.I found out about blender randomly looking for tutorials and realized it could be more then a tool for 2d art.Realizing I could be making full 3D images was cool and all but the idea of actually being able to make a 3d animation was mind blowing. Always being a fan of Pixar,  this was a dream come what to do? I had never imagined making a movie before and the idea was thrilling. Recently I've been putting myself through a makeshift self-taught film school and I'm learning a lot every day.I have a story in mind but it's nothing to specific, I more or less have the beginning to a well thought out story. I've spent far too much time on characters and not a main conflict for my story. That's all I have for now,I'll try and update this thing everyday.I want to make this the making of blog so I can share the struggles and rewards of making a 3D short film independently.